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About Dr. Vishesh Puri

Dr. Vishesh Puri is an experienced physician in the field of medical conditions related to kidneys, blood pressure, and electrolytes. He was drawn to a career as a physician because of his passion to make a difference in human lives. He is a board-certified nephrologist who completed his fellowship at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. Dr. Puri completed his residency at Loyola Macneal’s internal medicine program while finishing his medical requirements at a prestigious school in India.

He strongly believes that being healthy is the only real wealth. Through his dedicated service in the field of medicine, he has made a significant impact on the lives of his thousands of patients. He has moved from Cincinnati where he provided very meaningful care to his patients. Dr. Puri intends to continue his work in Jacksonville, FL. He was named one of Cincinnati’s Top Nephrologists for the last three years. He is known to explain things in a very simple way to help his patients understand.

Dr. Puri enjoys spending time with his family. He has a wife and two children. His favorite free time activity is exercising and relaxing.

Nephrology & Internal Medicine
English, Punjabi, & Hindi
Available for
In-Person, Phone Call, Video Call
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+1 904-593-5333


6885 Belfort Oaks Place Unit 230,
Jacksonville, FL 32216, USA


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