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Multiple Ways to Help Prevent Kidney Disease

The kidneys play a huge role in our bodies by filtering out waste and toxins, maintaining balance, and regulating the body’s pH level. Because of this, it’s important to prioritize the health of our kidneys to prevent kidney disease and other damage to the organs.

Let’s take a look at the factors that can increase the risk of kidney disease and some tips on how to reduce your risk of the condition.

Factors That Increase the Risk of Kidney Disease

There are certain risk factors associated with kidney disease that can increase the risk of developing the disease. But, by controlling some of these risk factors with healthy habits and proper treatment, you can work to prevent kidney disease.

Some of the risk factors of kidney disease include:


Having uncontrolled diabetes significantly increases the risk of developing kidney disease. Taking prescribed medication and changing your diet can significantly control your diabetes and, in turn, reduce the risk of kidney disease. You can start by reducing your salt intake and incorporating foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet.

High Blood Pressure

Individuals with hypertension also have a risk of developing kidney disease. Regularly monitoring your blood pressure levels, taking any blood pressure medication you’re prescribed, and making certain lifestyle changes are a few steps you can take toward prevention.

Heart Diseases

Having heart disease can also greatly increase the risk of developing kidney disease. Because of this, it’s important to prioritize your heart health by incorporating regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. If you have a family history of heart disease, make sure to let your doctor know, and they will be able to help you take additional steps to ensure your heart health.


Obesity can also increase your risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Because obesity can increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, and those are two risk factors for kidney disease, it’s important to keep an eye on your weight at well. Try exercising regularly and practicing healthy eating habits.

Family History

A family history of kidney disease significantly increases the risk of developing the condition. Although there is not much you can do to change your genetic makeup, leading a healthy lifestyle and following specific prevention tips can help you reduce the risk of actually getting kidney disease.

Understanding the Different Stages of Kidney Disease

Having a grasp of the stages of kidney disease is also important. If you know what stage you’re at, you can have a better grasp of what your treatment should be. And detecting it early makes prevention and treatment much easier.

Familiarize Yourself with Tests

Being aware of the tests for detection, treatment, and prevention ensures you know what to ask for when you go to the doctor.  And when going to the doctor, you’ll want to choose a qualified professional who specializes in kidneys, like Dr. Tandon at Kidney Clinic of North Florida. He will be able to provide any information and testing you need.

Learn about Lifestyle Modifications

Making lifestyle changes is essential for preventing and managing kidney disease. For example, reducing salt intake, regularly exercising, and making healthy food choices can help lower the risk of developing kidney disease.

Adopt Healthy Eating Habits

Maintaining a healthy diet is vital for maintaining kidneys. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your daily routine is highly recommended. Why? By eating healthy, you reduce the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which are all risk factors for kidney disease. When you reduce the risk of these issues, you also reduce your risk of kidney disease.

Schedule A Consultation

While many factors can contribute to the development of kidney disease, there are also a variety of things you can do to help reduce your risk of getting the disease. One of your first steps should be scheduling a consultation at the Kidney Clinic of North Florida. Dr. Tandon can answer any questions you have, help you maintain optimal kidney health, and determine the right treatment plan for you if you do have kidney disease.

To schedule a consultation today, call our Jacksonville, FL office at 904-593-5333 or use our online scheduling form.

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The Importance of Dialysis

The National Institutes of Health report that 37 million American adults have chronic kidney disease. An estimated 90 percent of those are unaware of their condition. Kidney disease shows little to no symptoms in its earlier stages, and those who do show symptoms have end-stage kidney disease. The estimate of those with end-stage kidney disease runs at 808,000. At this stage, kidney transplants or repeat dialysis from a certified expert are crucial to the patient’s well-being and life.

The Importance of Kidneys

Think of the water you drink. Without filters, dirt, bacteria, and other matter can make your water murky and unsafe.

Kidneys function as the filters for your body. With nephrons, healthy kidneys remove waste, acids, and extra fluids from your blood. The excess water becomes urine that exists in your body and carries the waste with it. The cleansed blood brings oxygen and other nutrients to organs and cells.

At the point of end-stage kidney disease, your kidneys totally fail. In the wake of kidney failure may come heart disease, high blood pressure, severe itching of the skin, weakness from anemia (low oxygen in blood cells), gout, and neurological impairments such as confusion and seizures. Kidney disease typically proves irreversible.

Dialysis Does What Diseased Kidneys Can’t

Dialysis assumes the functions robbed by kidney failure. It performs the filtering and cleaning in the place of your kidneys. Nearly seven out of every 10 patients with end-stage kidney disease turn to this treatment. Dialysis can also help those with acute or temporary kidney failure.

With dialysis, you can extend your life expectancy even after a diagnosis of end-stage kidney disease. Those on dialysis can expect on average to live five to 10 years after starting. Some survive beyond 20 years.

External Filtering

Hemodialysis relies on a tube that transports blood from your body to a machine. A needle in your arm connects the tube to an outside machine that filters your blood. The cleansed blood then flows through another tube back into your arm and throughout your body.

In a facility such as the Kidney Clinic of North Florida, hemodialysis patients usually have three treatments per week. The number and length of sessions can differ depending on the individual case. Without treatment, you can expect your body to continue to develop unwelcome symptoms that inhibit your daily life. However, patients who undergo this dialysis treatment will find themselves able to enjoy their lives more fully.

Interior Cleaning

Peritoneal dialysis cleans from the inside. The lining in your abdomen, known as the peritoneum, filters the blood with the help of a cleaning solution. This fluid contains water along with salt and other medicinal substances. The fluid enters down a tube and through a surgically inserted catheter into your abdomen. After filtering waste out of your system, the fluids and waste flow into an empty bag.

This internal dialysis method allows you to conduct daily activities during the treatment generally. However, you’ll need to change bags roughly four times daily, though peritoneal dialysis can be performed at home luckily.

This form of dialysis is a more permanent solution, offering continuous treatment to regularly rid your body of waste. Machines can help automate this process while you sleep and maintaining regular cleaning can help patients in end-stages live longer.

Experts Can Help You

Kidney disease is a serious condition that can be fatal if ignored and left untreated. Seeking solutions can not only improve your energy levels and daily functions but can save your life. Dialysis is not a cure but will slow down the process significantly while a patient waits for a transplant. It is imperative that you do your research, and find a doctor who is both certified and experienced.

Dr. Gaurav Tandon, MD stands ready to bring his knowledge and experience in treating your kidney disease. Contact The Kidney Clinic of North Florida to schedule your consultation about whether you need dialysis and what method would best serve you.