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Understanding Proteinuria’s Impact on Kidney Health

Proteinuria, the presence of excess protein in the urine, is more than just a clinical marker—it’s a crucial indicator of kidney health. Understanding proteinuria’s impact is essential for early diagnosis and management of potential kidney diseases. This condition can signal underlying issues ranging from benign, temporary conditions to serious chronic kidney disease. By exploring the causes, effects, and treatment options associated with proteinuria, we can better grasp its significance and take proactive steps to maintain renal health and overall well-being. Dr. Gaurav Tandon from Kidney Clinic of North Florida can help patients in North Florida experience optimal kidney health.

What is Proteinuria?

Proteinuria, or protein in urine, is a common symptom of kidney problems, but not many are aware of its significance. It is important to know that early detection of Proteinuria often leads to successful treatments that maintain your kidney health. So let’s dive a bit deeper and demystify what Proteinuria means for you as residents of Jacksonville, Florida.

Causes and Symptoms of Proteinuria

Many things can cause Proteinuria, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, certain drugs, or diseases that cause inflammation in the kidneys. Acute kidney injuries and chronic kidney disease could often lead to Proteinuria. Proteinuria itself usually doesn’t cause symptoms. But if a lot of protein has leaked into the urine, it may cause it to foam a lot. This can be a sign of severe Proteinuria. In such cases, we need to assess potential underlying issues, such as kidney disease.

The Hidden Threat of Proteinuria

Proteinuria is essentially a barometer for kidney health; persistent Proteinuria could be a clear signal that your kidneys are not working properly. Remember, many people with kidney diseases do not have symptoms until extensive kidney damage has occurred. This is why catching and treating kidney issues is important as early as possible. Regular monitoring can prevent further kidney damage.

Preventing and Treating Proteinuria

The best way to prevent and treat Proteinuria is to maintain strong kidney health. Regular exercise, a low-salt and low-fat diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure can all help. Dr. Tandon at the Kidney Clinic of North Florida can give you personalized recommendations based on your overall health and any other conditions you might have.

Kidney Health Above All

Your kidney health matters, and rest assured that here at the Kidney Clinic of North Florida, Dr. Tandon and his team are eager to help. Remember, early detection of Proteinuria can make a major difference! Come and visit us for a check-up. We’re located conveniently right here in Jacksonville.

Schedule a Consultation

Taking charge of your kidney health is a vital step towards overall well-being. If you have concerns about proteinuria or are experiencing symptoms that may indicate kidney issues, seeking professional medical advice is crucial. Scheduling a consultation at the Kidney Clinic of North Florida can provide you with a comprehensive evaluation, personalized care, and the latest treatment options. Head to our website today to fill out an online contact form and get in touch with a team member.

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The Useen Symptoms of Hematuria

Welcome to the Kidney Clinic of North Florida! As part of our ongoing commitment to better kidney health, discussing commonly misunderstood symptoms like hematuria helps keep our patients informed and in control of their health. In simple terms, hematuria is the presence of blood in urine, and while it may sound alarming, knowledge of the symptom and its early detection can mean the difference between a non-harmful condition and something more serious. Led by our experienced renal experts, Dr. Gaurav Tandon and Dr. Vishesh Puri, we promote preventative measures and early intervention in Jacksonville, Florida.

The Importance of Early Detection

Often unnoticed, hematuria can be an ‘unseen symptom’ only detected during routine medical checkups. Dr. Tandon and Dr. Puri emphasize that early detection is vital. Why is this? Blood in the urine can indicate various health issues ranging from urinary tract infections to kidney diseases. Identifying and treating these underlying causes early can dramatically improve patient outcomes.

Why Does Hematuria Occur?

Hematuria can result from numerous causes. The presence of blood in the urine can indicate something as harmless as excessive exercise or as serious as kidney or bladder cancer. Other common causes include kidney stones, trauma, urinary tract infections, and a side effect of taking certain medications. An appointment with a kidney specialist is the best way to ascertain the cause.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Apart from visible blood in urine, other symptoms may include frequent urination, pain during urination, lower abdomen pain, and back pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, we highly recommend that you seek medical advice immediately. Remember, kidney health matters!

Diagnosing Hematuria

In diagnosing hematuria, Dr. Gaurav Tandon, Dr. Vishesh Puri, and our expert team conduct thorough physical exams, urinary tests, and imaging tests. Sometimes, a cystoscopy (looking into the bladder with a small camera) is necessary. At the Kidney Clinic of North Florida, it’s our mission to provide accurate and efficient diagnosis. 

Hematuria Treatments Options

Treatment for hematuria is tailored according to the cause. This can range from simple antibiotics for a urinary tract infection to more involved options such as surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy for kidney or bladder cancer. Rest assured, our Jacksonville clinic offers state-of-the-art care to support your journey.

Schedule a Consultation

Recognizing and understanding Hematuria is crucial in maintaining kidney health. Please contact us at the Kidney Clinic of North Florida by filling out an online contact form if you have any questions about Hematuria, or to book an appointment with Dr. Tandon or Dr. Puri. Our commitment is to help Jacksonville’s community thrive, one healthy kidney at a time.


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I’m Starting Dialysis: What Can I Expect?

When people are told that they are going to start their dialysis journey, they may be faced with a mixture of emotions and various questions. Whether facing the hassles of chronic kidney disease or the problem of acute kidney failure, adaptation in life can start with an awareness of what dialysis is. At Kidney Clinic of North Florida, we are committed to championing specialized renal care under the experienced leadership of Dr. Gaurav Tandon and Dr. Vishesh Puri. Continue reading to learn more about dialysis, understand what to expect during your dialysis journey, and gain insights on how we can support you through this process.

Understanding Dialysis

Dialysis is a stiff and strict procedure that, first and foremost, saves a life by taking over what your kidneys should generally do: filter waste, salt, and excess fluid from the blood. In other words, dialysis can fill in for non-properly performing kidney functions and assist in keeping the pressure of the blood well controlled.

Types of Dialysis

There are two primary forms of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.


In this process, the patient’s blood is filtered, no longer in the body but outside it, through a machine called a hemodialyzer. Carrier access is formed on the arm or leg, and blood can flow to the dialyzer – to and from the body, post-filtration. Most often, weekly hemodialysis sessions are carried out thrice and last roughly four hours.

Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis filters the blood from within the body. A catheter containing the dialysate solution is inserted into the abdomen. Blood is cleaned by its movement in and out of the abdominal cavity several times before returning to the central circulation. CAPD is further divided into Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD), in which CPD is done manually, and APD is done with the help of the machine.

What to Expect

Duration and Frequency

The other thing that modality determines is how often and how long dialysis will be. Typically, hemodialysis needs a visit to the clinic three times a week. For peritoneal dialysis it connects to the cycler at night or during the day if you are on CAPD or APD.

Dialysis Setting

Dialysis can be performed either in a hospital, independent dialysis clinic, specialized treatment center, or at home according to the patient’s status and selection. Our Kidney Clinic of North Florida staff is here to help you decide what will best fit your life and needs.

Comfort and Symptoms

Although dialysis is not a painful procedure, some patients may complain of muscle cramps or nausea. Do not worry. Our determined team – including Dr. Tandon and Dr. Puri – will assure your comfort during the process.

Your Care Team at Kidney Clinic of North Florida

Dr. Gaurav Tandon and Dr. Vishesh Puri offer their invaluable expertise, down-to-earth approach, and full-minded attention to the concerns of each patient in terms of kidney care in Jacksonville, FL. At Kidney Clinic of North Florida, we assure you that you will feel guided and taken care of every step of the way since your first dialysis treatment. We have a claim-to-communicate policy where every question, dialysis concern, or related issue with the kidney will be discussed.

Contact Us

For more information, feel free to contact us at the Kidney Clinic of North Florida, by filling out our online contact form. Your health and comfort are our top priorities, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.